
Based on guidance from the CDC, State of Kentucky, and the Green River Area Health District, the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum is open to the public and hosting the Kentucky State Fiddle Championship in a manner to ensure the safety of the competitors, guests, staff, and volunteers.  In an effort to deliver a positive experience, we require everyone in the building to follow Kentucky Covid-19 guidelines.

  • Temperature checks will be performed upon entry to the Bluegrass Music Hall of Fame & Museum for the Kentucky State Fiddle Championship.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least twenty seconds. Health stations are placed throughout the facility equipped with hand sanitizer, disposable masks, and gloves.  

  • Guests must practice social distancing by keeping a distance of at least six feet from others who are not members of their household.  Guests will find signage and floor decals throughout the facility to encourage proper social distancing.

  • Hall of Fame staff and volunteers will be wearing masks in the building at all times.

  • All guest and competitors must wear a mask while in the building at all times.  Kentucky Covid-19 guidelines require all guests to wear a face covering over their mouth and nose unless they are medically exempt or under 5 years old.  The only other exception is when the competitor is playing their selections on stage at the mic as part of the competition.  Accompanists must remain masked on stage and throughout the competition.

  • Capacity in the competition area, Woodward Theatre, is reduced to 25% to ensure physical distancing of six feet.  Seating in the Woodward Theatre is general admission for the Kentucky State Fiddle Championship, but only marked seat can be occupied.

  • If maximum capacity in Woodward Theatre is reached, the competition can be viewed on flat-screen monitors (with audio) in three separate areas within the building. 

  • The competition will be streamed in it’s entirely from the Facebook page,

  • On the day of the competition, if you are sick, or have been feeling sick within the past 24 hours, please help keep others safe by staying home. 

  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze with a tissue or your elbow.

  • If you begin to feel unwell during your visit, we ask that you immediately end your visit and seek medical guidance.